Nutritional Value on Food Product: How You Read the Food Labels at the Back of Package

Nutritional Value on Food Product: How You Read the Food Labels at the Back of Package – No matter how you look at it, good nutrition
is important for you to tackle any workout regimens. That is why you
can’t be too careless in choosing what’s to eat and what’s to drink. If
you want to do some snacking then, it is important for you to pay extra
attention to the nutritional value on food product you choose. It is usually written at the back of the package. Let us tell you how to read it.
Nutritional Value on Food Product

The Calories Inside of Food Product

First than anything, you will have to watch for the product’s calories.
Make comparison from one product to another. Of course, when it comes to
that, it is always better to choose one with fewer calories per
serving. Take ones with 40 calories would make a good choice. However,
you have to note that it is better to pick high calorie food nutritional
value if it contains more nutrients to offer.

The Carbohydrates of the Product

Carbohydrates in the nutritional value on food product must be
well thought out as well. Product nutritional value of this content is
usually written as grams total, grams of sugar, and grams of dietary
fiber. Many packaged foods are high in sugar, like sucrose and fructose,
so be careful. Also, fiber for adults has to be at least 25-30 grams
and 5 grams for kids per day. Check this out as well.

The Fats in Packaged Food Product

The last major content, but not least one in the product, is none
other than fats. When it comes to fats in packaged food nutrition facts,
be careful with the saturated fats. Get too much intake of it can
increase the risk of getting heart disease. So, make sure that you
choose foods with 35% or less of fat calories in the nutritional value on food product. Don’t opt to high saturated and trans fat foods!

Womens Menopause Treatments Strategy Pack

Womens Menopause Treatments Strategy Pack - Each Women’s Strategy Pac consists of three separate but synergistic products which, when taken together, give the body the nutritional support it need to normalize hormonal function within the Endocrine System. There are two separate Strategy Pacs for Women, one for those who are pre-menopausal and one for those who are menopausal or post-menopausal. Each Strategy Pac consists of one bottle each of Endocrin for Women, Eternal-In, and either PMS-Ease (for pre-menopausal women) or Preserve (for menopausal and post-menopausal women). All of the formulas are Scientifically Advanced Endocrinal Nutraceutical Dietary Supplements which synergistically help the body naturally rebalance itself.
Womens Menopause Treatments Strategy Pack
What Is the Endocrine(or Hormonal) System?
Until recently, not much has been known about the body’s Endocrine System . Its activities werewoman thought mysterious and possibly only of secondary importance. But now we’re realizing just how essential a healthy Endocrine System is, what it actually does, how it’s governed and how to ensure its balance and operation with the rest of the body. The Endocrine System is the biochemical system of the body which controls and regulates the function of our entire metabolism through the production and direction of all of our hormones. The Endocrine System and its activities are specifically governed by parts of the brain (namely the neuroendocrine apparatus of the medial basal hypothalamus, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland), but it also involves other areas of the body including the major endocrine hormone-producing glands: Thyroid, Thymus, Parathyroids, Heart, Gastric and Intestinal Mucosa, Adrenals, Pancreas (pancreatic islets), the Ovaries, and even the Heart. Within the Endocrine System there are literally hundreds of types of hormones produced, some of which merely stimulate the release of still larger even more pronounced hormones. Nearly every process in our body is kept in balance by this incredibly complex, but precise, interaction of our hormones and their neural balancing function on all body activities.

Is the Endocrine (or Hormonal) System Involved with Aging?
Yes, it is. The Endocrine System directly controls the process of aging, including how fast or slow we will age and how healthy we will be in the process. Through the directions of the Endocrine System, its hormones actually guide the body in its daily metabolic feats. Hormones manufactured by the Endocrine System directly govern the welfare of our whole body, keeping us young, healthy and happy. Hormones are often the critical “conductors” of our “biochemical orchestra,” making sure that everybody else within the biochemistry of our bodies reads from the same “sheet music” and plays their part at the right time with the rest of the band without anyone missing a beat. Hormones can help us delay the aging process and keep us generally free from disease.

What Do Some Of These Hormones Specifically Do?
Hormones like GH (Growth Hormone or Somatotrophin) are critical to all forms of growth, healing and repair in the body. Hormones like TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) play a critical role in stimulating the thyroid to release its respective hormones, T3 and T4, which directly influence the metabolic rate of all cells of the body, helping us to metabolize food stores (fat and glycogen) efficiently, giving us energy and orchestrating the use of other biological materials throughout the day, as well as keeping us young, active and alert. ACTH (from the Pituitary Gland) stimulates the adrenal cortex to synthesize and secrete some of its hormones, like DHEA (discussed in the next section), Pregnenolone (the memory hormone), Adrenalin (epinephrine) which increases body metabolism, a small amount of Estrogen (both the ovaries and the adrenals produce Estrogen), and Aldosterone which stimulates the kidneys to retain sodium and water. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH - from the Pituitary Gland) acts in opposition to Aldosterone to dispel excess water and sodium. Calcitonin (also produced by the thyroid) helps to increase blood calcium levels while promoting the conservation of hard bone matrix, while Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) acts as a direct antagonist; together these two hormones help maintain calcium balance within the bloodstream and keep bones dense and healthy. Normal neuromuscular excitability, blood clotting, cell membrane permeability and the normal functioning of certain enzymes, all depend on the maintenance of normal levels of calcium in the blood. The Thymus, although generally considered to be a lymphatic organ, secretes two families of peptide-hormones, thymosin and thymopoietin, which play a critical role in the development of the immune system’s T-cells.

Pancreatic Hormones such as Glucagon, Insulin, Somatostatin and Pancreatic polypeptide all aid in regulating body metabolism, glucose and fat production as well as in the inhibition of Growth Hormone. The Gastric and Intestinal Mucosa produce Gastrin, Secretin, Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK) and others which control digestion and assimilation of foods. The hormone CCK is most importantly involved with appetite and eating. Upon its secretion, it immediately travels to the Hypothalamus within the brain to “shut down” appetite. When its secretion is delayed or diminished, over-eating is often the result! Researchers are also finding that previously defined “sex-typed” hormones manufactured by the Endocrine System are not only necessary for reproductive possibilities, but serve a myriad of other essential health sustaining functions as well. Testosterone, for example, allows males to keep their hair and not go bald as well as develop muscle mass (even late in life), while Estrogen and Progesterone maintain women’s smooth and supple skin, protect their hair and eyes as well as many other functions within the body, including the maintenance of bone density, thus preventing osteoporosis. Again, when the Endocrine System is not functioning properly, or has been interfered with by chemical look-a-likes such as the estrogen-like hormones coming from canned foods, our health suffers dramatically, and we age much, much more quickly!

Can Hormones Really Affect Our Overall Health?
Yes, most certainly! Now, more than ever, it’s time to seriously take care of and nutritionally rebalance our Endocrine System. Hormonal balance is now being seen as critically essential to the maintenance of good health and a strong Immune System. Indeed, Endocrine System functioning and our health are intimately related… you can’t speak about the Immune System without referencing the essential organic hormonal steroids of the Endocrine System. In fact, researchers recently are discovering that a number of hormones from within the Endocrine System play a significant role with “T-cell markers” within the Immune System, such as some of the ones previously mentioned, and most notably DHEA (or dehydroepiandrosterone). 

Hypothalamic Potentiation of Some of the Major Pituitary Hormones and the Organs They Affect in the Endocrine System
What is DHEA?
DHEA (or dehydroepiandrosterone) is commonly called the “mother” hormone, since from it a number of other hormones may be manufactured upon demand, such as estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and corticosterone to name just a few. Because of DHEA’s biochemical flexibility, it has become the subject of much recent study, especially for its almost unbelievable but wonderful potential to actually slow the aging process. Some are even calling it the “fountain of youth” anti-aging elixir we’ve all been looking for. More and more research is being published about DHEA production and the body’s need for it. For example, recent studies have demonstrated that DHEA levels in our blood generally peak around 20 years of age. As we grow older, DHEA levels decrease in both men and women to only about 5% of our peak levels by the time we’re 80. Understandably, researchers have seen a strong inverse correlation between DHEA levels and disease. It appears that the higher the level of DHEA in the blood, the less an organism may suffer from disease. Further, published studies have demonstrated that appropriate supplementation of DHEA could possibly be a factor in decreasing the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, even senility, Alzheimer’s disease and premature death.

Is it Safe and Wise to Supplement with DHEA?
Yes it is! DHEA may play other important roles within the body, such as in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, aging, osteoporosis and bone health, as well as many of the autoimmune disorders including arthritis, systemic lupus, and Crohn’s disease. In lab tests, DHEA reduced the fat stores of rats by converting fat calories to heat rather than storing them as fat, while at the same time helping the body to produce lean muscle tissue. (Not too surprisingly, naturally-occurring DHEA and its precursors can also be found in VÄXA’s Cell-U-Lite and Ultra CitriSlim!) More and more scientific support is emerging which calls for early supplementation of DHEA and its nutritional precursors (such as the “Memory” Hormone Pregnenolone) in order to maintain general hormonal balance throughout life.

Can Environmental Factors and Pollutants Disturb Hormonal Imbalance?
Yes they can! It’s recently become widely known that the chemical pollution of excess man-made Estrogens are very real and proliferate in our environment (as independently documented on CBS, the Discovery Channel, and other news programs). These chemical pollutants offer a very real threat to our body’s Endocrine (hormonal) System which affects various bodily functions, including sexuality. A case in point, our health and welfare are being threatened from something that nobody ever thought dangerous: the common tin can! The modern process of canning foods in tin cans lined with a thin layer of plastic is not as innocuous as has been first believed. Ironically, although today’s canned goods are keeping foods from spoiling, they’re “spoiling” us instead. As reported, it seems that all canned goods are inadvertently supplying us with unwanted estrogen-like hormones, apparently coming from a newly discovered reaction between the tin and the plastic liner over time. This unwanted cumulative chemical addition is believed to have dire consequences within our bodies, adding a synthetic steroidal hormone which directly interferes with the normal function of the critically important Endocrine System in both males and females.

Can Our Lifestyle (diet, exercise habits, etc.) Cause HormonaI Imbalance As Well?
Yes again! Not only do these chemical pollutants interfere with our body’s hormonal balance, but bad or inadequate diet, poor nutritional habits, erratic eating patterns, lack of exercise, mounting periods of ill health, and the nutritional wearing-down which often occurs when growing older, all combine to dull our health and further compromise the Endocrine System. Although not often understood, the body’s Endocrine System intricately impresses itself upon the cellular nature of our complexion, our psychology and mood, our muscle tone (including appropriate gender-specific muscle growth and formation), the clearness of our eyes, the health and shine of our hair, even our body’s ability to heal itself. In fact, much of that which allows us to be happy and “balanced” in life we really owe to the wonder of our body’s Endocrine System and its ability to maintain a precise, yet flexible, balance over time.

How Does the Women’s Strategy Pac Work?
The Women’s Strategy Pac consists of three unique formulations, (1) Endocrin for Women, (2) Eternal-In, and either (3) PMS-EASE (for pre-menopausal women) or Preserve (for menopausal and post-menopausal women). The whole system works synergistically, proving the body what is needed to normalize endocrine function, while helping the body protect against premature aging and associated dysfunction.

How Does Endocrin for Women Work?
Endocrin for Women is a Scientifically Advanced Endocrinal Nutraceutical Dietary Supplement specifically engineered for women, serving as an all-natural strategy to help the body safely rebalance the female hormonal system. When the hormonal system is imbalanced a number of problems can occur, including: including lack of sexual sensitivity, lack of sexual desire, deficient sexual experience, failure to achieve climax, dryness of vagina, sexual melancholia and sexual neurasthenia. Endocrin for Women contains naturally occurring DHEA and Progesterone (as found in Dioscurea Villosa), safe buffered amounts of pure pharmaceutical grade DHEA (the “Mother” Hormone), Pregnenolone (the “Memory” Hormone), pharmaceutical grade free-form amino acids, and the necessary vitamins and cofactors to potentiate this formula. Endocrin for Women also contains the correct balance of micro-nutritionals, rare and exotic Chinese Herbs and others such as Saw Palmetto (thought to control androgen excesses in women), plus other cofactors believed to be required by the female body in order to allow healthy physiological hormonal/sexual function and proper balance of biochemical and nutritional necessities. The micro-nutritional, folliculinum (naturally occurring estrogen) seeks to aid the body in restoring normal estrogen hormonal balance. Please note that because folliculinum is a micro-nutritional in this formula, it will not impose a pharmacological effect on the body or brain, and is thus without the side effects and possible dangers associated with standard preparations of conventional pharmaceutical estrogen used in “replacement” therapy, nor will these micro-nutritionals interfere or compete against conventional ongoing estrogen therapy.

How Does Eternal-In Work?
This Scientifically Advanced Endocrinal Nutraceutical Dietary Supplement works in concert with the body, complementing and supplying the necessary anti-aging nutritive requirements that the skin uses to repair itself, allowing it to maintain its elasticity and safeguarding against premature aging of the skin. When the correct nutrients are not present within the skin, one may experience emaciated shriveled skin, premature wrinkling, folds in the skin, skin ulcers, cutaneous eruptions, senile prutitis (itching skin due to sensitized nerve endings), necrosis, hair loss in women or menopausal baldness, lymphatic inflammations which generally “backup” into the skin and breasts of women, and scirrhous.

Eternal-In supplies PycnogenolŽ, well documented to help regenerate and sustain fine capillary function, acting against varicose vein development and the occurrence of spider veins within the skin. L-Cysteine and L-Cystine aids in restoring the natural color to hair. Eternal-In also supplies DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol, a very efficient antioxidant and free radical deactivator) which reverses the formation of lipofuscin, a toxic pigment which clogs the brain and nerve cells as we age, while also becoming deposited within the epidermis as unsightly age/liver spots. But most importantly, DMAE has considerable life extending properties even when started late in life, shown to have extended the life of mice 36.6% who had already past their mean expected lifespan. DMAE is now added to the whole blood stored for transfusion purposes so as to double its storage life, preventing the clumping and sludging of red blood cells. DMAE can also enter the brain easily, and being converted to acetylcholine, increases mental alertness and mood, as well as learning and memory abilities. Eternal-In also includes Ginkgo Biloba, L-Glutathione, ActiVin+Ž, OptiZincŽ and the micro-nutritional Sarsaparilla, as well as the necessary free-form amino acid precursors to maintain our youth and health, all of which aid the body in usefully eradicating “free radicals,” thought to be a major factor of wrinkling and aging

How Does Preserve (included for menopausal and post-menopausal women) Work?
Preserve is a unique combination of micro-nutritionals, rare Chinese dietary herbs, free form amino acids, vitamins and minerals to help support and address possible Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian hormonal pathway dysfunctions/imbalances because of growing older wherein neuro-signaling may have become impaired, and the dietary and tissue/ovarian deficiencies that may arise because of menopause or other change of life patterns.

Preserve provides the body with those executive instructions and nutritive materials needed to calm itself. The symptoms of menopause include: traumatism of the pelvic organs, painful and sore uterus and breasts, cramping, despondence, melancholy, headache, nervousness, irritability, hypersensitivity, exhaustion, cysts, interruption and/or lack of interest of sexual function and orgasm as well as uncomfortable “hot-flashes” (sweating heat and chills) experienced during menopause.

Preserve allows one to experience the time of natural reproductive change with little uncomfortable disruption of normal life functioning. Preserve will not interfere with any complementing prescriptive strategy a physician or health professional would prescribe.

How Does PMS-Ease (included for pre-menopausal women) Work?
When given the necessary balanced dietary supplementation of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and special blends of Chinese, American and European herbs, the body is supplied a certain fund of nutritive materials which complement its production of neurotransmitters needed to potentiate the body’s natural pain relievers.

This formula effectively and nutritively complements the female’s physiological need for the natural calming agents of the body during this very important period of time. These naturally occurring calming agents, in particular the “endorphins,” “enkephalins” and “dynorphins,” are safe “opiate-like” substances the body produces all on its own to suppress unwanted pain and discomfort. It is interesting to note that these naturally occurring opiate substances produced within the brain are at times 700 times more powerful in painkilling ability than morphine.

Växa’s PMS-Ease formula ensures that the body will have the necessary precursors to aid the natural production of these safe substances, diminishing the severity of PMS without artificial means. And too, when the body is functioning properly, the intensity of other PMS related symptoms is reduced, including hypersensitivity to external stimulation, be it emotional or physical, as well as subduing feelings of associated anxiousness, unhappiness, sadness and grief. It goes without saying, that PMS-Ease will not effect normal menstruation or the cycle of ovulation whatsoever.

5 Things to Consider for the Sake of Making the Best of Your Nutrition and Fitness

Do you care about your nutrition and fitness?
There is no need to even ask for this is something that people actually
must do to begin with. Getting enough nutrition and fitness
have always been the key to promote good health. For that, you will have
to pay attention to every little detail about each of them so you can
make the best of both for your own health. Let’s focus your concern on
these important things here below.
nutritional foods and fitness

The Way You Change Your Own Habit

This is where people tend to make mistake. Indeed, dieting means we
need to change our dietary and exercise habit. People used to think
simple that we need to cut down our favorite daily foods, meals,
beverages, etc. to almost nothingness right from the beginning. For
them, doing something like this will help to reduce fat in the quickest
way possible. However, starving yourself is not the key in dieting. In
fact, this is something that is not healthy for the metabolism of your
It applies the same for exercise as well. You know, your body
actually needs time to adjust itself to the change you put on it. Making
sudden change will only take a toll on your body instead and you won’t
even benefit anything from it. The main principle for it is that your nutrition and fitness
must be in balance. So, start by making small changes and let the body
adapt itself to them. It is not wholesale changes that will make a
difference. It is small changes that will actually do the job.

The Thing You Need to Focus the Most

We have two things you need to work on here. They are nutrition and
fitness. While both are important to be done to promote good health,
there is one you need to focus the most and that would be the nutrition.
Why do we need to choose nutrition over fitness? It is simply because
foods are the constants of our lives. They are something that we can’t
function and live without. While fitness is important, you can see that
nutrition holds more importance for our well being, right?
Even without fitness, we can still live after all. Foods serve as
something like fuel for us. So, rather than using exercise as an excuse
to eat much and burn later, we need foods to give us energy to work out
more and burn more and more fat. This is the most efficient and healthy
way to make the best of nutrition and fitness of yours. This way has
always been proven to be the kind that will make feel much better. If
your body tells you so, it means you are on the right path to a good

The Choice of Fitness that You Make

Well, even if nutrition is more important than fitness, it does not
mean that you can forget doing some fitness regularly. Nutrition might
be the most important between the two, but you need fitness to burn
calories so that proper metabolism is maintained well. So, you
definitely can’t leave fitness out. This is just how your nutrition and fitness
should be all about after all. That being said, there are many kinds of
exercise to choose out there. Running is not the only fitness to

So, there is no need to stick to it if you yourself don’t particularly
like doing it. Exercises appear in all sorts of forms, like dance, yoga,
hiking, canoeing, cycling, playing sports, and doing martial arts.
Choosing one that is fun for you will help you stay exercising longer.
You can also mix it up with other exercises to keep your workout program
interesting and fresh. As long as you come up with and follow good plan
of nutritional foods and fitness, you will shed pounds and become
The Ones You Pick for Your Meals
When aiming for diet, we are sure that you know well you have to eat
more green vegetables for they have the best nutrients to fill your
body’s nutritional intake while help you lose some weight instead of
only adding more fat. Sure, there is that. However, rich color palette
of both fruits and vegetables actually contributes more to you than
green color palette only. The richer the color palette, the more
nutrients you get from your meals. The diversity of colors is what
important here.

That being said, remember that the ones you pick must be from healthy
natural ingredients to begin with. The simple examples would be fruits
and vegetables, of course. Including some healthy meat and fatty fish
from time to time would be nice as well. If we have to give you good
meal plan with rich color palette, you can consider including foods,
like red meat, sweet potatoes, spinach salad, and squash. This kind of
foods will provide you enough nutrients and keep you energized all day.
The Way to Put Fitness into Routine
Yes, regular workout is important to even simply maintain your
health. However, it does not mean that you will have to work out every
day. For some people, planning daily workout just adds more stress to
them. If that is how it is going to be in your case, you better not do
that at all. Still, since fitness must be done, you can simply start by
coming up with plan of only one workout for the week. Once you are done
with that, you can simply follow it accordance to what you have planned
for you.
Also, people don’t usually work out in certain time because they have
no plan of doing it to begin with. Putting your fitness into routine is
the point. So, make a plan that you would do some jogging in the
morning, for example. Include this in your one-week plan and be sure to
do it. Surely, after that, you will notice some differences. Your nutrition and fitness should be well-planned like this.