101 Diet Tips: Diet Basics

101 Diet Tips is all about the diet basics. You will learn how to properly eat when working out based upon your workout goals. Working out is only 1/3 of what’s required to gain lean muscle mass and to tone your body. If you want any results you should include a proper diet and plenty of rest.

There are many types of diets to choose from, you don’t have to have the same types of foods every day. Just be sure to eat foods similar in nutritional content.
101 Diet Tips: Diet Basics
Diet Basics
When people think of a diet they think of losing weight. While many of today’s most popular diets have this goal in mind, it is not only limited to this reason. When I first started working out I mentioned to people I was on a diet. I always had the response, “Why are you going on a diet? You’re not fat.” (I was at the time 6’1″ and weighed 160 pounds)

I got that all the time. I was in fact, doing the total opposite, I wanted to go on a diet to put on weight. Well, obviously someone who wants to put on weight is going to eat differently than someone trying to lose weight. So I decided that 101 diet tips is going to focus on all the diets different types of people should use.

As with all diets I recommend eating around 5-6 small meals a day. If you can’t do this maybe muscle supplements can help.

101 Diet Tips For Skinny People
So you want to eat right? You want to gain weight?
Do you want to gain lean muscle as weight and not fat? Well follow this Diet plan and with the proper workout and rest you can build muscle in no time.

You need three basic things when eating. They are:
Complex Carbohydrates

First off are calories, by eating enough things that contain complex carbohydrates and protein you will get all the calories you need so this is the easy part. Just remember don’t just eat any calories. You want to avoid calories from fat. You need fats in your diet, just try to limit it to a minimum, especially saturated fat. Eliminate trans fat completely.

You want lots of protein. This is important, you want to make sure you eat enough protein to gain lean muscle mass. Try to balance your protein intake from dairy meats and vegetables. (Yes, some vegetables are a good protein source)

Next is complex carbs. Carbs are broken down into two categories, simple and complex. You get simple carbs from starches and sugars. Most people have too many of these. You get complex carbs from whole grain pasta and breads. Try to eat a lot of complex carbs because they add the right type of calories you need in your diet.

Remember you should eat, eat, and eat. Don’t ever let your stomach growl. You want to gain weight so constantly eat, but eat the right foods. If you just eat potato chips and cake you will get fat, not muscle.

101 Diet Tips for Overweight People
Ok so you want to lose a little weight? It’s easy, with the right diet and exercise and proper rest. There is very many risks with being obese and lots of side effects. I guarantee that you will feel better overall, and happier when you eat healthy and exercise right. Even when I was a skinny unfit individual I felt this way exercising.

What you want to do is eat right and in moderation. That is the key. Please do not starve yourself. This can lead to eating disorders and doesn’t help your body at all. It can cause all kinds of problems.

What you need is the same as the diet for skinny people:
The right calories
Complex Carbs

You just need calories and complex carbs in moderation.

You should also do cardio on an empty stomach. Why? Because you burn your fat rather than the food you just ate. If you need to eat something, eat something that is protein with no or low carbs and fat. For example a chicken breast patty. Not breaded or on a bun either as that adds fat and carbs.

Be sure to eat 4-6 small meals a day and do cardio workouts each day, such as running on a treadmill or outside.

If you eat right you will lose weight. Don’t try those “lose fat in 3 days” diet. Those are not good for you and chances are you will not receive the results you want. Nothing will ever beat the natural way of diet, exercise, and rest.

Ok… So what if I am Average Weight?

Good question. I said 101 diet tips is about all shapes and sizes didn’t I?

Don’t worry I didn’t leave you out.

You are lucky. You don’t have to change as much. Just follow the same diet as skinny and overweight people will do. Just eat at the same pace as you normally do. Just spread the same amount of food over 4-6 meals. Make sure it is healthy food too!

101 Diet Tips: Diet Plan

Ok so you know how you’re supposed to eat. Now 101 diet tips will show you what you’re supposed to eat.

This applies to all shapes and sizes.

Here are some meal plans you can do. This is not a complete list, just a sample, obviously there are many more additions that can be added.

Breakfast :
Egg sandwich on whole wheat bread (provides protein and complex carbs and essential amino acids)
Your choice of fruit (If you have high cholesterol I recommend pineapple as it helps lower your cholesterol.)
Glass of Fresh orange juice and/or water (Try not to buy concentrated orange juice. Tropicana and Florida’s Natural are good brands)

Brunch :
Any of the breakfast items
Fresh salad with romaine lettuce and diced chicken breast(no creamy dressings and try to avoid the crutons)
Glass of your favorite fruit juice and/or water (remember to drink plenty of water.)

Lunch :
Fresh chicken breast (not breaded) on whole wheat or grain bread
Your favorite whole grain pasta dish with tomato or pesto sauce.
Glass or juice and/or water
Fresh tossed salad (the greener the better)

Mid Afternoon Snack :

Nuts (Almonds are the best)
Peanut butter or PB & J sandwich on whole wheat or grain bread (almond butter is even better!)
Protein supplement is good here

Dinner :

Mix and match any items from above meals

Midnight Snack :
Protein supplement is good here. For everyone except skinny people. Avoid carbs at night and just stick with protein here. Fats and carbs are stored as body fat at night.

Overview of 101 Diet Tips

So there is 101 diet tips in a nut shell. If you eat right and follow these guidelines you have 1/3 of the formula to building a healthier, sexier, toned, you.